JANUARY:- We compared the sunshine hours for the month of January 2019 between India and Germany. In January India received sun for 6 hours and 15 minutes on an average whereas Germany didn’t receive any sun during this time. The sunshine was just for few minutes and on some Day we had up to 7 hours a Day. When we compared the energy consumption , average consumption of Mehak’s house in India was 16 units whereas it was 18 units for Sandra’s house in Germany.

APRIL:- We compared the sunshine hours for the month of April 2019 and the average sunshine hours in Inida for this month is 10 hours 8 minutes whereas in Germany the average sunshine hours were from 12 hours to 15 hours a day. The energy consumption in Mehak’s household was 28 units whereas it was 16 units in Sandra’s household. The energy consumption in India is more as compared with Germany because Indians have to use a lot of air conditioner as its very hot and temperature is like 30°C to 40°C. Also, the energy consumption of Germany is less because a lot of renewable sources of energy are used. India should also utilize its potential renewable sources and take a step towards sustainable development.

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