Comparison of sunshine hours and energy consumption

 The weather in India and Germany is very different. So the amount of sun hours might also be different. Therefore we compare the values of Sunshine hours and energy consumption in January and April in India and Germany. In Germany the total sunshine hours in January were 54.5 hours whereas in India it was a total of 176 hours, which is almost three times more than Germany. In India the sunshine hours in January are almost constant everyday but in Germany it fluctuates differently. The values in Germany vary between 0 (14 times) to 8 hours (8 times) whereas in India it varies between 5 to 6 hours. In Germany the total sunshine hours in April were 250 hours (which is five more than in January) and in India it was a total of 262 hours ( which is only 100 hours more than in January). The difference in the sunshine hours in January and April in India is not that huge as in Germany. The values of sunshine hours in Germany and India are not that different. The values in Germany varied between 0 ( 5 times ) to 14 hours (7 times) whereas in India it varied between 0 ( 4 rainy days ) to 11hrs . In Germany in January the total energy consumption was 311 kwh whereas in India it was 394 units which is near to the consumption in Germany. The consumption in Germany varied between 8 kwh to 18 kwh whereas in India it varied between 9 to 17 units. In Germany in April the total energy consumption was 222khw whereas in India it was 657 units which is thrice than Germany. The consumption in Germany varied between kwh 5 to 11 kwh whereas in India it varied between 15 units to 28 units. There is a lot of difference in the values in April because it was warmer in Germany than in January whereas in India it was hotter than January.

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