Water Power Plant
Hydropower plants are power plants that use water to generate electricity. The kinetic or potential energy of the water is converted into electrical energy. The water flows through a turbine. Rotational movements are created in this turbine, which are transferred to a generator. This generates electricity.
There are two types of hydroelectric power stations, run-of-river power stations and storage power stations. The technical function of both is the same:
– water is held back by a dam.
– it is then directed through one or more turbines.
– these turbines drive generators that produce alternating current from the rotational energy.
– this electricity is then fed into the power grid.
In a run-of-river power plant, the dam is a weir in a river from which the water is fed through a powerhouse (usually) located on the bank. Turbines and generators are located in this powerhouse. The run-of-river power plant generates electricity continuously. They help to ensure that the amount of electricity required every day, around the clock (base load) is covered.
Hydroelectric power plants have advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages are
– usability mostly independent of weather and time compared to wind and solar energy
– good controllability of the electricity generated
– high efficiency
– no CO2 emissions during operation
– storage power plants are integrated into flood protection
– dammed rivers are easier to navigate
Disadvantages can be
– land consumption due to storage space, resettlement of residents, etc.
– effects on flora and fauna (e.g. destruction of natural watercourses)
– reduction in volume of the reservoir due to silting and siltation of the reservoir due to the sinking of suspended matter and sediments
– possible disturbance of the groundwater balance due to sinking and rising or contamination
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