Comparison Betweeen India And Germany by Jasmin and Aryan

SUNSHINE HOURS- In India the total sunshine hours in the month of September are 228hrs. whereas in Germany the sunshine hours in the month of September is 185hrs.The average sunshine hours in India is 7.6hrs. per day whereas for Germany it is 6.1hrs.per day.
RAINFALL-The range of rainfall in India is 30mm whereas in Germany it is 45mm. In India it rained for about 7 days in the month of September,2018 whereas in Germany it rained for about 13 days.
HUMIDITY-The percentage of humidity in India is 72% whereas in Germany the percentage of humidity is 96%.
SOLAR ENERGY- The percentage of solar energy used in India is 20% wherein Germany uses 6% of it’s solar energy. Therefore, Solar energy in India is more useful than in Germany.
ENERGY CONSUMPTION- The energy consumption in the house of the student from Germany is 318Kwh whereas the energy consumption form the house of the student from India is 808Kwh. Hence, the energy consumed per day in Germany is 10.6Kwh whereas in India it is 26.8Kwh.
Therefore, there is a huge difference between the sunshine hours and the energy consumption in India and Germany.
-Jasmin Dittrich
-Aryan Puri

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